Tuesday 24 February 2009

It's pancake day (already a general theme of food seems to be emerging on this page!) so that's all I've eaten this evening. Pancakes.Fantastic! I've not had a lot of time to do much work recently but the other day I was inspired by another kind of food. I think the illustration above makes it pretty clear which kind.

Also my friend recently lent me the first series of Gossip Girl, so I'm having to really resist the urge to sign off xoxo... oh I think I just did!

Sunday 18 January 2009

OK so here's my first post and I'm afraid at the moment I'm destroying a packet of chocolate hobnobs whilst struggling to think of something to say so I'll start with a bit about me. I graduated this summer with a first in printed textile design from Loughborough Uni and am currently trying to find my niche in the world. 

I like creating beautiful work but often with a tongue in cheek humorous message, something to make you stop and think, and hopefully smile! In two weeks I'll be moving into a studio space where i can start getting back into creating so i'll keep you posted when i do.